General Terms and Conditions

  1. Introduction

Contracting Parties: supplier, provider of accommodation, catering, congress and relaxation-sports services to the customer (client, guest) for payment, hereinafter referred to as the “Operator” and in detail in paragraph no. 1.1. of the General Terms and Conditions.

Contracting parties: client, customer, customer — customer of services, hereinafter referred to as “Client”.

These general terms and conditions (hereinafter “GTC”) apply to the provision of services to the operator of accommodation facility Greenwood, Nový Smokovec 41, 062 01 Vysoké Tatry, SR (hereinafter referred to as “Greenwood”) by Smart Business Group, s.r.o., Nový Smokovec 41, 062 01 Vysoké Tatry, SR, IČO: 46933981, TIN 2023678943, VAT VAT ID 2023678943, registered in the OR managed by OS Prešov, section Sro, insert No.35531/P, (hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”), on the terms of payment and cancellation of reservations made by the client, as well as all other rights and obligations arising from the legal the relationship arising from the booking of Greenwood Services.

1.2. The client is entitled to use Greenwood services only if he agrees to the GTC. The client is advised to familiarize himself with these GTC before making a reservation in his own interest. In case of repeated use of the hotel services, the client is obliged to always familiarize himself with the current wording of the GTC. The Operator reserves the right to unilaterally change these GTC, while the change to the GTC is effective from the date of their publication on the operator's website By confirming the reservation, the client expresses his unconditional consent to these GTC and their annexes.

1.3. By agreeing to these GTC, the client declares that he has reached the age of at least 18 years and is able to acquire rights and assume obligations on his own behalf. Guests under 15 years of age can use the services accompanied by a person over 18 years of age. Persons aged 15-18 years, only with the consent of their legal representative.

  1. The emergence of a contractual relationship

2.1. The creation of a contractual relationship between the client and the operator arises on the basis of an order (Internet, telephone, fax or e-mail), executed immediately (i.e. directly) with the operator. On the basis of the order, the operator sends the client a confirmation of the reservation and at the same time reserves the desired free period to the client for a maximum of 7 days. During this time it is necessary to pay the deposit in accordance with the tariff chosen by the client when booking — the tariff conditions are specified in Article 3 and 4 of these GTC. The booking confirmation contains all the necessary data — name of the client, number of beds, date of accommodation and others.

2.2. By paying the deposit, the client confirms that he has familiarized himself with the services, price, payment terms and cancellation conditions. The client who placed the order is responsible for the contractual obligation of the other persons mentioned in the reservation. Without a deposit payment, the order cannot be accepted and after 7 days the reservation is canceled.

2.3. The contractual relationship between the client and the operator, which arose on the basis of the client's order made through third parties — partners (partner companies and hotels, global booking portals, meta-search portals, travel agencies, agencies, etc.), are regulated by the general terms and conditions of those partners through whom the order was executed.

2.4. Redeeming a gift voucher, certificate and package as well as booking such stays is possible only through the Greenwood reception (contact details in Art. 13 of these GTC).

  1. Prices and payment

3.1. Accommodation is provided on a fee basis when the price for accommodation is determined on the basis of the price list (see paragraph 3.4. of these GTC) or by agreement of the contracting parties. The price of the accommodation is due at the latest at the end of the stay, unless otherwise agreed. Payment is made in cash or by credit card.

3.2. The form of payment by invoice is possible only after prior agreement with the operator. The invoice is due within 7 days from the date of its issuance, and the day of payment is considered to be the day of crediting the funds to the operator's account. In case of late payment of the final invoice, the operator charges interest of 0,05% of the amount due for each day of delay, starting from the day following the due date of the claim in question.

3.3. In the event of damage caused by the fault of the client, the operator is entitled to claim compensation for the damage. The client is obliged to pay any damage incurred in the premises reserved for the accommodation, in full, including compensation of lost profits in the amount of the applicable price for accommodation and other common areas for the entire period during which the room will be decommissioned. The client also has this obligation if the damage is caused by children or other persons staying with the client.

3.4. The current prices for the services provided are indicated on our website www.hotelgreenwood.skafter clicking on the Book button.

  1. Payment terms

4.1. The operator has the right to pay the price of the previously ordered services before their provision and the client is obliged to pay the price of the services before their provision.

4.2. The Operator is entitled to demand payment of advance payments upon the establishment of the contractual relationship or upon confirmation of the Internet reservation. The amount of advances and the timing of payments are agreed as follows:

  • Refundable tariff:
    — when booking accommodation for 1 night, a deposit of 100% of the price of the accommodation is paid,
    — when booking accommodation for 2 nights or more, a deposit of 50% of the accommodation price will be paid
  • Non-refundable tariff:
    — when booking accommodation, a deposit of 100% of the price of the accommodation is paid,

When making a reservation less than 7 days before the arrival, the payment terms are negotiated individually with the operator.

The conditions of purchased shares and packages are regulated individually by agreement with the operator, if the given conditions are not specified in Article 9 of these GTC.

On the basis of the client's request, the operator will issue an invoice for the reimbursement of the recreation allowance to your employer.

The conditions referred to in Article 4 of these GTC apply, unless otherwise agreed. Any agreement between the client and the operator must be in writing. Agreements that are not in writing are always treated in favor of Greenwood.

Failure to comply with any of the reservation rules entails the occurrence of the following consequences, both individually and in aggregate:

— there is no contractual relationship between the client and Greenwood and therefore the operator does not incur any obligations towards the clients;

— Greenwood may refuse to accommodate a guest without giving a reason;

- Greenwood may, subject to availability, offer a different room type to the guest at the current price applicable at the time of accommodation;

— if the client chose the Non-refundable rate during the booking, the price for the accommodation will be recalculated according to the higher Refundable Rate. Accommodation in this case is possible only if the given (or any) other room will be available.

4.3. The Client is entitled to the provision of services only after payment of the contractually agreed price of the previously ordered services, unless otherwise agreed. In the event that the client for any reason does not meet the deadline for payment of the price of the services ordered so far, the operator is entitled to withdraw from the residence contract and demand payment of the contractual penalty (cancellation fee) in accordance with Article 7 of these GTC.

4.4. The advance payment for the ordered and confirmed services must be made within 7 days from the receipt of the electronic message with information about the reservation from the operator or the advance invoice, otherwise the reservation is considered canceled. The client will be notified by the operator about the successful receipt of the advance payment.

4.5. Tax documents confirming the accommodation shall be issued by the operator at the latest at the end of the stay, unless otherwise agreed.

  1. Rights and obligations of the client

5.1. The client is obliged to:

-keep the booking confirmation and present it upon arrival at the accommodation;

-pay the price for accommodation according to the valid price list, unless otherwise agreed;

-properly use the premises intended for accommodation and other social spaces, observe order and cleanliness; - familiarize yourself with these GTC and comply with them;

-familiarize yourself with the Accommodation Regulations and comply with them; -communicate without delay the need to carry out repairs in the premises reserved for accommodation;

-immediately notify the damage or damage caused to the premises and compensate for the damage in accordance with paragraph 3.3. of Article 3 of these GTC;

-arrange for persons under 15 years of age to be accompanied and supervised by an adult participant, similarly to provide accompaniment and supervision for persons whose state of health so requires;

-act in such a way as to avoid damage to health or property to the detriment of other clients, service providers or the operator;

-report the participation of foreign nationals;

-provide the operator with the necessary cooperation for the proper provision and provision of services, in particular truthfully and completely state the data in the residence contract, including any changes to these data, and submit other documents (e.g. visa applications, photographs) as requested by the operator.

5.2. The client may not, without the consent of the operator:

-make substantial changes to the accommodation (move furniture, etc.) ;

-use in the premises own appliances, except appliances for personal hygiene and exterior treatment;

-leave the premises reserved for the accommodation of another person;

-accept room visits without the operator's prior consent; -list the Greenwood address as the place of business.

5.3. Further on the Greenwood premises, the Client must not:

-carry weapons and ammunition or otherwise keep them in a condition that allows them to be used immediately;

-possess, manufacture or possess narcotic or psychotropic substances or poisons, unless they are medicinal products the use of which has been prescribed to the client by a physician;

-smoking and handling explosive substances and objects.

5.4. We advise clients to keep jewelry, money and other valuables in the safe in the rooms. In accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code, the Operator is not liable for loss or damage to the mentioned items.

5.5. Visiting Greenwood with pets is possible only with the preliminary permission of the operator. Accommodation with pets is charged in accordance with the price list (see paragraph 3.4 of Article 3 of these GTC).

5.6. The obligations of clients — legal persons who are parties to the contractual relationship include:
- to acquaint its subscribers with these GTC as well as with other information received from the operator, but in particular to inform them about the scope and quality of services;

-ensure that all participants fulfil the basic obligations of clients which require their personal cooperation and can only be carried by an individual participant;

-appoint a group leader in the event that the operator's guide is not provided by agreement with the partner. This organizational leader ensures the proper provision of services from suppliers and takes care of the fulfillment of the service program.

5.7. The basic rights of the client include:
-the right to the proper provision of contractually agreed and paid services;

- the right to request from the operator information on all facts relating to the contractually agreed and paid services;

- the right to be aware of any changes in the contractually agreed or legal deadlines in the contractually agreed services;

- the right to withdraw from the contract in accordance with Article 7 of these GTC at any time before the start of the services;
-complain about possible shortcomings and demand compensation or compensation. The operator accepts only written complaints. When a claim is made, an entry must be made about the subject of the claim. The registration must be confirmed by the operator. Without this, the right to claim does not arise.

  1. Rights and obligations of the operator

6.1. The operator undertakes to ensure all rights of the client. The right of the operator is, in cases that it cannot affect:
a) change the date of stay
b) change prices
c) change the scope of services
d) cancel the contract

The operator shall send written notice of the changes to the client via Slovak Post or electronic communication to the email address specified by the client in the order. If the client does not agree with the changes a) to d), he has the right to withdraw from the contract in writing within 24 hours of notification of the changes. In this case, the operator will refund 100% of the paid accommodation price to the client. The date of delivery to the operator of the withdrawal from the contract is decisive. Otherwise, it is considered that he agrees to the change. In the event that there is a situation where the operator will return the financial amount to the customer, he is obliged to do so as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days after the occurrence of the fact decisive for the return.

6.2. Greenwood shall be liable for damage caused to things brought or deferred pursuant to § 433 et seq. The Civil Code, i.e. Greenwood is liable for damage to items that have been accommodated by or brought in by clients, unless the damage would otherwise have occurred. Items are entered which have been reserved for the accommodation or storage of things, or which have been handed over for this purpose to one of the Greenwood workers/§ 433 para. 1 of the Civil Code/.

6.3. The operator is not obliged to provide the customer with services beyond the pre-confirmed and paid services.

6.4. The operator has the right, without financial compensation, to withdraw from the realization of the stay due to force majeure (extreme climatic phenomena, political events, quarantine, etc.).

6.5. The Operator is entitled to terminate the client's stay with immediate effect and withdraw from the contract without the right to a financial refund, provided that:

a) the client damages Greenwood property or violates the Accommodation Code. The Operator is entitled to claim from the Client all damages caused by the Client's behaviour in which the property of the Hotel is damaged;

(b) the client treats staff or other clients disrespectfully, aggressively or if the operator considers that the client's conduct is xenophobic and racist;

c) the client is under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other narcotic and psychotropic substances;

(d) for other reasons — see paragraph 11.

6.6. If a client causes property damage in Greenwood, the Operator is entitled to financial compensation on the spot. The amount will be specified on the basis of the price list freely available at the reception. In the event that the operator and the client do not agree immediately and voluntarily on the spot, the operator has the right to call a police patrol to repair the damage. In the event that damage to property was detected after the client's departure from Greenwood, the operator is entitled to apply all possible ways to obtain compensation. In this case, the operator informs the client in writing about the damage caused, and the operator is entitled to withdraw funds from the client's bank card, send the client an invoice for payment. If the client voluntarily refuses to compensate for the damage caused to the property, the operator will recover the damage through third parties or through the courts.

  1. Changes to booking and cancellation policy

7.1. Any changes to the reservation by the client can be made either in writing in person at the Greenwood reception or by e-mail sent to the e-mail address or by sending a written notification to the postal address: Smart Business Group, s.r.o., Greenwood, Nový Smokovec 41, 062 01 Vysoké Tatry, SR.

7.2. When requesting a change of the reservation made, the client is obliged to always indicate the reservation number assigned and sent to the client when making the reservation. If the client requests a change of the reservation made, which cannot be satisfied for capacity or other operational reasons, the operator will take all steps to meet the client's requirements, but the operator is not obliged to comply with the client's request to change the made reservation, and the client is not entitled to compensation or any other performance by the operator from the reason for the impossibility of changing the reservation made.

7.3. In case of withdrawal of the client from the contract and cancellation of the reservation, the operator is entitled to a cancellation fee as follows:

a) No cancellation fee: more than 15 days before the arrival of the client for the stay;

b) 100% of the price of the ordered services: 14 days or less before the arrival of the client for the stay.

7.4. In case of non-attendance of the client for the booked stay, the operator is entitled to a cancellation fee of 100% of the price of the ordered and confirmed services.

7.5. In case of withdrawal of the client from the contract and cancellation of the reservation or in the case of partial withdrawal of the client from the contract and partial cancellation of the reservation or failure of the client to attend the booked stay during special stays (see article 8 of these GTC), the operator is entitled to a cancellation fee in the amount of 100% of the price of the ordered and confirmed services.

7.6. In case of withdrawal of the client from the contract and cancellation of the reservation or partial withdrawal of the client from the contract and partial cancellation of the reservation or failure to attend the stay, the operator shall send to the client in writing, by telephone or by e-mail a notice of the exercise of the operator's right to cancel the fee and its amount in accordance with these GTC within 14 days from the date of the client's withdrawal from the contract and cancellation booking or from the date of partial withdrawal of the client from the contract and partial cancellation of the reservation or from the date of the beginning of the stay in case of non-arrival of the client for the stay. Bank charges associated with partial or full refund of the price of clients' stay are borne by the client.

7.7. The day of receipt of the written withdrawal and cancellation of the reservation is decisive for determining the number of days in calculating the cancellation fees.

7.8. The change of the date is charged in the amount of 10 euros/person and is possible no later than 7 days before the start of the stay on the basis of a written or email agreement between the client and the operator. The Operator is not obliged to comply with the Client's request to change the date of the reservation made, and the Client is not entitled to compensation or any other performance by the Operator.

Warning:The operator requires payment of cancellation fees even in case of serious reasons such as illness, natural disasters, boredom, government bans and restrictions, etc. For this case, we recommend that you take out quality insurance against cancellation fees (see Article 9 of these GTC) and claim compensation from the insurance company. The cancellation fee must also be paid if the client does not attend the stay due to incorrect details on the order or does not present proof of payment of the deposit. Change of the term is possible in accordance with paragraph 7.8. of this article. In the event that a change of date is not possible, the reservation is considered to be the cancellation of the stay and the subsequent new order.

  1. Special stays

8.1. The operator is entitled to offer special stays (last minute, first minute, packages, etc.). The number of rooms reserved for special stays is limited.

8.2. For the booking and realization of special stays, special business conditions apply, valid exclusively for special stays, which take precedence over these GTC. These GTC will apply to share stays only in those parts that are not regulated derogatively or separately in the special business conditions.

8.3. The conditions of booking group stays are adjusted individually on the basis of agreement with the operator.

  1. Insurance

9.1. The operator does not include insurance in the price of stays. Insurance is a voluntary supplement to the price of the stay. The operator does not provide insurance services and these services must be handled by the client through third parties.

9.2. The insurance relationship arises directly between the client and the insurance company. In the case of indemnification of an insured event, the insurance undertaking in direct relation to the client and the operator is not entitled to assess the existence or, if applicable, the amount of claims claimed from this relationship.

  1. Diverse

10.1. Wake up services are carried out by the hotel with the utmost care. Letters, postcards, postal items and consignments of goods are always treated with care. Greenwood will take delivery and safekeeping and arrange a mission upon request for payment. Greenwood assumes no responsibility for the content of goods and shipments that the client wishes to send or that have been delivered to the client.

10.2. Greenwood does not guarantee accidents during leisure programs of any kind in the indoor as well as outdoor areas of the hotel, unless the hotel acts rudely, negligently or intentionally.

10.3. Parents of toddlers and young children are responsible to ensure the observance of cleanliness in the rooms. This is mainly the protection of beds, sofas from pollution by children who are not able to maintain personal hygiene so far.

10.4. From 22:00 to 07:00 there is a night rest mode in Greenwood, when the client is obliged to behave in such a way as not to disturb others with excessive noise, with the exception of outlets with longer opening hours, events in congress premises and within the norms of social behavior.

10.5. Parking of clients' vehicles is possible in the hotel's own car park, subject to the general parking policies and traffic rules. For organizational, technical or other reasons, the operator may ask the client to prepare the car. These parking areas are self-service, monitored by a camera system and the operator does not guarantee any theft of the vehicle or things in the vehicle. Parking is only possible in places marked by parking lines or otherwise marked. The parking space is free of charge for accommodated clients and for non-hotel clients who at the given time used the services provided by the operator and can prove themselves with a hotel bill or other document. By parking the car by the client, no safekeeping contract is created for the operator.

10.6. The client's stay in the hotel is further regulated by the Greenwood Accommodation Code, which is binding for accommodated clients.

10.7. By paying the stay or advance payment for the stay, the client confirms that he is familiar with these conditions, agrees with them and accepts them in full.

10.8. The design of the website, their content, logo, icons, texts, image elements, selection and arrangement of elements, their organization, graphic display, conversions and other elements related thereto, are protected by copyright and other legislation relating to industrial property. The user does not acquire any rights to the elements viewed through the website None of these elements may be used, copied, otherwise reproduced, distributed, modified and/or publicly disseminated in any form and/or by any means without the prior written consent of the Provider.

10.9. Found things are forwarded only on request. They are stored in Greenwood for six months. After the expiration of this period, objects that have an apparent value will be handed over to local losses and finds.

10.10. The operator reserves the right to additionally charge the client's credit card for any differences that will be detected after his departure (e.g. consumption from a minibar, etc.).

10.11. The Operator reserves the right to cancel reservations in the following cases:
a) email address, respectively The IP address specified in the booking process has been used several times for bookings where the client did not show up;

b) the customer's bank (credit or debit) card details have been used in the past for false bookings and have been invalid or otherwise misstated;

c) if the client has been accommodated in Greenwood in the past and has behaved indecently, aggressively and disrespectfully; d) for other reasons, if the reservation was made through global booking portals and other partners, in accordance with the business and cancellation terms of those partners.

10.12. In the case of stays — service packages, replacement of included treatments, massages, sports grounds, etc. at the request of the client is possible only with regard to their price and if the capacity of the relax zone allows it at a given time. Greenwood has the right to provide compensation in the event that, due to technical-organizational reasons, any of the prepaid services during the stay cannot be provided. If any of the services included in the stay is not realized, beyond the fault of Greenwood, it is not possible to refund cash for the unrealized services or exchange part of the prepaid services for cash, due to the preferential pricing of the package of services. If the client decides not to take advantage of the access to the relax zone, which was included in the package of services, Greenwood will not provide him with a replacement filling and there is no possibility of a refund.

10.13. The client's stay in the Relax zone is further regulated by the operating rules of the Relax zone, which is binding for all accommodated clients. The client has the right to provide a substitute service in case the Relax zone is closed due to technical reasons. (These are only accommodated clients who have access to the Relax zone as part of the package already included in the price of the accommodation.)

In the case of a client who has purchased standard accommodation (without a package), Greenwood can offer him a one-time entrance to the Relax zone lasting max 1 hour in the form of a benefit. This entrance can only be used once during the entire stay. All other entries will be charged in accordance with the price list. This benefit is subject to availability and is a right but not an obligation of Greenwood.

10.14. For safety reasons, children under 13 years of age are not allowed to be left unsupervised by an adult in the Greenwood Room and other premises. In the event of an accident or other unforeseen circumstances, the child is responsible for the child of the person with whom the child is registered to stay.

10.15. Before leaving the room, the accommodated person is obliged to close the water taps, turn off the lights in the room and adjacent areas of the room, turn off the electrical appliances, (especially in the room the client is not allowed to use his own electric, gas — portable appliances, this restriction does not apply to the use of electrical appliances installed in the room or portable electrical appliances used for personal hygiene of the guest — razor, hair dryer, etc.), close the balcony door and close the windows, close the entrance door of the room and when leaving the accommodation hand over a magnetic card or key at the reception.

10.16. The place of filling and payment is the headquarters of Greenwood. The exclusive seat of the court is the registered office of Greenwood. Slovak law applies. The application of the Vienna Agreement on the Law of Purchase of the United Nations from conflict of law is excluded.

10.17. If the client does not stay no later than 23.00 on the day of the beginning of the stay, this is considered non-arrival (see Article 7 of these GTC), unless otherwise agreed in advance. In this case, the operator reserves the right to offer the accommodation unit to other clients. The operator is obliged to accommodate the client who showed up for check-in at 14.00 h no later than 23.00 h.

10.18. If the client does not vacate the room at the scheduled time at check-in, he will be charged for each additional hour started the amount of 50 euros including VAT, unless otherwise agreed.

10.19. The operator reserves the right in exceptional cases to offer the client accommodation other than originally agreed, unless it differs substantially from the confirmed order.

10.20. In case of special requests (baby cot, late check-in or late check-out), or interest in booking additional services, the client is entitled to contact the reception by phone on the telephone number: +421 940 144 734 or by email: Special requirements and additional services will be provided to the client according to the possibility of providing them. Greenwood will make every effort to meet the client, however, the provision of special requirements and additional services is not a legal obligation of the operator.

10.21. During the client's stay, Greenwood can offer him a welcome drink (welcome drink). The type of drinks that fall under the welcome drink depends on the Greenwood menu. This benefit is subject to availability and is a right, but not an obligation, of Greenwood.

10.22. In case of non-compliance with fire safety measures such as:

— a smoking ban on Greenwood premises,

— activation of the smoke screen at events,

— the use of open fire in Greenwood premises,

— in other cases of non-compliance with fire safety measures,

a fee of up to 2,000 Euros may be charged by the operator.

  1. Personal data protection and privacy

11.1. The Controller carries out the processing of personal data in accordance with the generally binding legal regulations of the Slovak Republic, in particular in accordance with Act No. 122/2013 Coll. on the Protection of Personal Data and on Amendments to Certain Acts as amended by Act No. 84/2014 Coll. in the current and valid version (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”).

11.2. The Operator processes clients' personal data for the purpose of booking, selling the use of services by clients in the Operator's accommodation facilities and controlling their use. Personal data are processed for the period necessary to fulfill the purpose of the processing — booking, sale of the use of services by clients in the operator's accommodation facilities and control of their use, but for a maximum period of two years from the collection of these data. Personal data processed for the purpose of booking, selling the use of services by clients in the operator's accommodation facilities and controlling their use are processed by the operator on the basis of § 10 (3) (b) of the Act without the consent of the persons concerned.

11.3. The Operator processes the client's personal data for marketing purposes, in the case of their express consent, which the client can grant by filling in the data when booking online or when filling out the form at the reception during check-in.

11.4. The scope of personal data processed includes: name and surname, address, date of birth, ID card number, email, telephone number. The client by providing the data and signing the consent to the processing of personal data in accordance with § 11 para. 1 of the Act grants the Controller consent to the processing of personal data in the Information Systems of the Operator. At the same time, the Client agrees that the processed personal data in the scope of name and surname, email, mobile phone number, may be used for direct marketing purposes (offer of services of the company, sending commercial communications and informing about marketing actions in the form of e-mail messages, including short message service). At the same time, the Client grants the Controller consent to the transfer of personal data abroad within the European Union. The controller undertakes not to handle and treat personal data in violation of generally binding legal regulations. The consent to the processing of personal data is granted for a period of 3 years and this consent can be revoked by the client at any time in writing by sending a withdrawal of consent to the address of the controller's registered office, except in cases where the Law does not provide otherwise. By granting consent, the Client confirms that he has been informed of his rights set out in the Act (in particular § 28 of the Act), as well as in Act No. 40/1964 Coll. The Civil Code as amended, in particular for information on the status of processing of personal data in the information system, for the correction of incorrect or outdated personal data processed, for the disposal of personal data, if the purpose of the processing has been fulfilled and for the disposal of personal data, if there has been a violation of the Act, and that the personal data provided by it coincide with the fact, and that they are complete, true and accurate and at the same time grants consent for a period of 3 years to send commercial and advertising materials by any electronic form of messages related to the services provided by the operator and its business partners, and the client is entitled to revoke the given consent at any time by written notification sent to the operator's contact address or to the email address indicated directly in the commercial and advertising materials. During the transfer, the operator takes care of the maximum security of personal data by encrypting and using software and hardware tools to secure the transmitted data.

11.5. The operator uses highly ethical standards and respects the privacy of clients. Except for the provision of data required by law or other generally binding legislation, the controller will not provide or make available without the consent of the client any personal data to third parties or other recipients. The reservation system currently uses the most modern encryption systems for sensitive data.

11.6. In accordance with the legislation of the Slovak Republic, the Controller carries out all measures and operations for the processing of personal data in such a way that the data subjects are properly and timely informed about their rights under the legislation of the Slovak Republic, but also on the basis of European legislation and binding international treaties and conventions. In case of receipt of a legitimate request from the data subject, the controller shall process this request within 30 days from the date of receipt of the request.

11.7. The data subject, who does not have full legal capacity, exercises his rights through a legal representative. The rights of a data subject who no longer lives may be exercised by a close person in accordance with the special legislation of the Slovak Republic.

  1. Final provisions

12.1. These GTC and the legal relations arising on their basis are governed by the legal order of the Slovak Republic.

12.2. Should any provision of these GTC be or become invalid, ineffective or unenforceable, such invalidity, ineffectiveness or inevitability shall not affect the validity and effectiveness of the other provisions of these GTC.

12.3. When confirming the reservation, the client expresses his consent to these GTC and undertakes to comply with them. The operator reserves the right to change these GTC. The obligation to notify the GTC in writing is fulfilled by placing the amended GTC on the operator's website

  1. Contact details and bank connection

Greenwood hotels:
Novy Smokovec 41, 062 01 High Tatras, Slovakia

Smart Business Group, s.r.o.

registered in the OR managed by OS Prešov, section Sro, insert no. 35531/P
Novy Smokovec 41, 062 01 High Tatras, Slovakia
ID: 46933981, DIČ 2023678943, TAX ID SK2023678943

Bank connection: Fio banka a.s.

Tel: +421 940 144 734



The GTC shall enter into force and effect on 01. 01. 2019.

Yury Ivanov, Managing Director


We look forward to seeing you

We are here for you to ensure
that your stay will be exactly as you imagine.

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